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BEDCL - 2024 CT20 Champions
In the recently concluded Cricket Ontario (CO) organized Central T20 tournament conducted at the Emancipation Park and Batsman Park grounds, BEDCL emerged victorious after a decisive victory over TDCA in the finals. The 2024 edition of the Central T20 featured the 6 major leagues in Ontario (BEDCL, TDCA, OVCC, HDCL, SCA, MCL), and complimented with youth making up the CO u19 and CO u23 teams. After a close loss in their opening match, BEDCL picked up the tempo and came back strongly to top the group. In the semi-finals, BEDCL defeated the CO u23 team. In the final, BEDCL met TDCA who had defeated MCL in the other semi-final. Defending 176 runs, BEDCL restricted TDCA to 142 in their 20 overs.
Outstanding performances from all the team members, and led exceptionally well by skipper Parveen Dhull. He captained from the front and extracted notable performances from each of his team members. When the chips looked down, there was always someone to put up their hand and take onus on taking the team to a winning position. It was a fantastic display of team effort which led to the championship.
As another interesting trivia, BEDCL has now won the Cricket Ontario Central T20 tournament for the 4th consecutive time, which is a record in itself. Congratulations to BEDCL and its entire membership for a stellar performance and bringing pride and glory to the League. Kudos to all who contributed towards the successful campaign and took BEDCL to another glory year.
Proud moment!!!