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At the tender age of 15 Mathew has already started to follow in the footsteps of his father and uncles as well as his older brother Marcus.
They have both been playing in the Senior Men's Division in BEDCL where Mathew recently scored 121 this season and has since not looked back.
He has to date portrayed himself in the 'Model of Consistency' as an Opening Batsman - solid, dependable, poised, focused and matured beyond his age.
In the last few tournaments - Mathew has built a reputation of a young man destined for greater things and a very bright future.
In the recently concluded U17 Canada CUP - representing the Ontario Greens:
Scored 120,, 83, 69 and 36.
Player of the Tournament & Batsman of the tournament.
In the very next back to back Tournament - the Gary Sobers International Youth Tournament in Barbados:
He scored 250 Runs with a 150 n.o. and an average of 38.
In the next tournament in progress - The Mississauga International Youth Tournament - Mathew has scored to date: 62, 75, 7, 81 - with 2 games to go.
These are extremely aggressive and consistent batting performances and defines his attitude & commitment to his game and future as a cricketer to be taken seriously and not to be missed.
Well done Mathew Nandu - we are very proud of you.
Congratulations to you, as well as your Dad & Uncles for developing such talented young men in yourself & Marcus - keep your heads down and stay focus and play forward.
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