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Cricket Ontario is pleased to announce the hosting of Cricket Canada Central T20 tournament on June 22nd and June 23rd at Batsman Park and Dixie Sandalwood Park in Brampton, Ontario. Five (5) Ontario teams Toronto District Cricket League Select, Brampton Etobicoke District Cricket League, Ontario East Region Select, Ontario West Region Select and Ontario U23 teams will take part along with National U19 Team and Manitoba and Quebec provincial teams will take part.
Tournament online live scoring will be done on CricClub and plans are underway for live streaming at Cricket Ontario YouTube Channel and Facebook..
Tournament is expected to attract national players and Elite Ontario players….Cricket Ontario like to welcome all cricket players and spectators to come out and enjoy the very highly completive Cricket.
Schedule as follow:
Conference A | Conference B | ||||
CC U19 | Ontario U23 Dev | ||||
Quebec | Manitoba | ||||
TDCA | BEDCL | ||||
Ontario WEST | Ontario EAST | ||||
Day/Date | Start Time | Ground | Conference | Home | Away |
Saturday /
June 22 |
8:15 AM | Batsman-South | OPENING CEREMONY | ||
Saturday /
June 22 |
9:00 AM | Dixie/Sandalwood-North | Conf A | Quebec | CC U19 |
Saturday /
June 22 |
9:00 AM | Dixie/Sandalwood-South | Conf A | TDCA | Ontario WEST |
Saturday /
June 22 |
9:00 AM | Batsman-North | Conf-B | Manitoba | Ontario EAST |
Saturday /
June 22 |
9:00 AM | Batsman-South | Conf-B | Ontario U23 Dev | BEDCL |
Saturday /
June 22 |
12:35 PM | Dixie/Sandalwood-North | Conf A | Quebec | Ontario WEST |
Saturday /
June 22 |
12:35 PM | Dixie/Sandalwood-South | Conf A | CC U19 | TDCA |
Saturday /
June 22 |
12:35 PM | Batsman-North | Conf-B | Ontario EAST | Ontario U23 Dev |
Saturday /
June 22 |
12:35 PM | Batsman-South | Conf-B | BEDCL | Manitoba |
Saturday /
June 22 |
4:10 PM | Dixie/Sandalwood-North | Conf A | CC U19 | Ontario WEST |
Saturday /
June 22 |
4:10 PM | Dixie/Sandalwood-South | Conf A | TDCA | Quebec |
Saturday /
June 22 |
4:10 PM | Batsman-North | Conf-B | Manitoba | Ontario U23 Dev |
Saturday /
June 22 |
4:10 PM | Batsman-South | Conf-B | Ontario EAST | BEDCL |
Sunday /
June 23 |
12:00 PM | Batsman-North | Semi-Final 1 | Conf-A #1 | Conf-B #2 |
Sunday /
June 23 |
12:00 PM | Batsman-South | Semi-Final 2 | Conf-B #1 | Conf-A #2 |
Sunday /
June 23 |
3:30 PM | Batsman-North | 3rd/4th Place | Loser SF 1 | Loser SF 2 |
Sunday /
June 23 |
3:30 PM | Batsman-South | FINAL | Winner SF1 | Winner SF2 |
Sunday /
June 23 |
6:30 PM | Batsman-South | CLOSING CEREMONY |