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- Umpire Seminar 2024 Presentation 1
- Umpire Seminar 2024 Presentation 2
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- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 4
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 3
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 2
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 1
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- ICC Playing Conditions Addendums
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Message from The President
It is with great pleasure that I welcome both Returning & New teams to the BEDCL for the 2020 season. The BEDCL board of directors have been working hard to be ready for the season start in May.
We remind teams to keep an eye out on the BEDCL website ‘www.bedcl.cricket’ on a regular basis for announcements and information.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM was held on Sunday March 1, 2020 with a relatively good turnout. Despite this meeting being mandatory for over 4 years, we had approximately 33 teams out of 168,
not show up and a handful showing up more than 30 minutes late. Please note that teams who did not show up or showed up late have been invoiced for penalty fines.
These fines were proposed by YOU, the membership during the 2016 AGM. Please DO NOT harass the board members about paying these fines; but do pay them, thank you.
The Board is also aware of those teams who left the meeting early.
Cricket Balls
We will be in touch via the website to let you know when and how you can collect the cricket balls.
Season Fees
The first deadline of February 29 was met with outstanding commitment from the teams and for that the board are greatly appreciative.
Please remember that the remainder of the payment was due by midnight on Sunday, March 15.
Thank you to those who have already made the full payment, and a reminder to those who have not, to please do so.
The schedule is a complex beast and the formats for both game formats of 50 overs and T25 have been completed.
We will be announcing the 2020 schedule on our website within the next two weeks.
Stay tuned and keep an eye on the website. We would like to remind all teams of our days off request policy of a max of 4 days and although we
cannot commit to honoring this, we will try our best. However, this will force you to play double heads throughout the season.
Coronavirus (COVID 19)
After careful consideration, the Brampton-Etobicoke & District Cricket League have decided to Cancel the Umpire training sessions and President/Captains Meeting
to be held in public venues. We will work towards delivering these two via Webinars/Emails and any other relevant media capabilities.
This decision was made with the health and safety of our players, their families and the general public in mind and the growing concern from the COVID-19 virus.
How you can help:
• Avoid handshaking & Wash your hands often
• Observe social distance
• Stay home whenever possible
• Stay home if you have any symptoms (even if it is "just" a cough).
Important information for Ontario Residents - if anyone suspects that they may have caught the Coronavirus, you should call 811 (Don't call 911),
instead of going to the hospitals or family doctors, to avoid spreading the virus.
Once connected to 811, medical specialists will be arranged to do home visit and inspection.
Direct phone no. for Ontario Residents: 1-866-797-0000
Sincerely yours
Praim Persaud,