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BEDCL Return to Play Guidelines (STAGE 3) July 21, 2020
Dear BEDCL Members, (A PDF VERSION an be found under the NEWS Section)
The BEDCL has constantly been keeping it’s members updated with the various stages of COVID-19 as it pertains to Cricket in Ontario and the League.
Most regions are approaching Stage 3 (except for Toronto, Peel & Windsor) and we hope that these three remaining regions continue to see a drop in COVID-19 cases and also join other regions in Stage 3.
When this happens, this brings us to the subject of Return to Cricket for BEDCL. A document was brought to our attention today that reflects an important aspect of Phase 3 as it pertains to Recreational Sport in Ontario, which we were not aware of until now.
The paragraph that is most important for all recreational sports leagues is below in RED:
Leagues must contain no more than 50 participants total. If participants in a league exceed 50, the league may divide into smaller groups of no more than 50. Players are not yet permitted to play against players outside of their league or group.
Now, let’s replace the word “League” with “Division” or “Conference”.
This means that our traditional league formats for both the 50 Overs and T25 cannot exist if we return to league play in stage 3. Our divisions/conferences have more than 50 participants in them.
We have two proposals for teams wishing to continue playing competitive recreational cricket for the remainder of 2020 (if it happens).
Proposal 1
a. Divisions comprising of 4 teams.
b. Each team plays either 50 overs or T25 games
c. Each team plays the other 3 teams a max of 3 times each.
d. This gives each team a max of 9 games
Proposal 2
a. Divisions comprising of 5 teams
b. Each team plays either 50 overs or T25 games
c. Each team plays the other 4 teams a max of 2 times each
d. This gives each team a max of 8 games
The league has completed making the schedule twice now and before embarking on another rework of the schedule, we would like to discuss these two proposals with the playing members.
Firstly, we would like to have an Emergency meeting with teams on Tuesday, July 21 at 8pm (EST) to explain and answer any questions that you may have.
Secondly, we will provide a method for you to submit your indication to pull out.
Thirdly, we will start working on the proposal that the BOD find to be in the best interest of the league and taking things such as facility availability etc in mind.
Dates for Action
1. July 21, 2020 at 8pm – Virtual Meeting with teams and the BOD
2. July 22, 2020 by 9pm – Teams have an opportunity to pull out
3. July 23, 2020 by 9pm – BEDCL BOD will begin structure development