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Tragic News - So young, so full of life, yet gone too soon!
We have lost one of our own - one of the top player of BRAMPTON - ETOBICOKE DISTRICT CRICKET LEAGUE, Jaswant Sandu (Sonu), as he was popularly known as.
A fine gentleman, a friend amongst his peers, and a very respectful individual, who steadfastly stood by his friends. We will miss his sense of humour and his smile that he always greeted us all with.
Sonu may be gone but he will never be forgotten. His wonderful performances in BEDCL will always be remembered, but more so, we will always remember the lovely memories he has imprinted on our hearts as a friend.
He leaves behind his wife and 2 children. No amount of consolation or compensation is enough for the loss his loved ones are bearing.
But as fellow cricketers, community, and a fraternity, it is incumbent on us to show solidarity by way of support to Sonu's unfortunate family by offering any help we possibly can.
Though it is not obligatory on any of us, whatever assistance can be offered, by way of funds or through simple good wishes for the bereaved family, will be greatly is appreciated.
There can be no nobler deed than attempting to alleviate even an ounce of their pain through our gestures.
May his soul rest in eternal peace.
You can donate by clicking on the link below: