- Home
- News
- SEASON 2024
- Member Clubs
- League Players
- Stats
- Awards
- Links
- Umpire's Corner
- Umpire Seminar 2025- Presentation 1
- Umpire Seminar 2024 Presentation 1
- Umpire Seminar 2024 Presentation 2
- Quick reference guide for Umpires
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 4
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 3
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 2
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 1
- ICC ODI Playing Conditions
- ICC T20 Playing Conditions
- ICC Playing Conditions Addendums
- BEDCL Umpires
- Umpire's Code of Conduct
- Photos

Thank you to all teams taking part this season for their due diligence in making the payment deadlines.
The BEDCL Board of Directors have started working on the Format, Schedule & Teams portal.
Format: This will take about 4 days to prepare
Schedule: This will take about 15 days to prepare
Teams Portal: This will be available on Sunday, June 6-2021
All the above is dependent on the Government guidelines and progress on reducing COVID cases.
There may be limits on number of teams in a divisions, etc like last year.
However, we are working on getting ready for Cricket in 2021 and continue to look to each and every one of you
for support in adhering to the Government guidelines and especially around outdoor activities.
We solicit and greatly appreciate the membership’s cooperation in making this season happen smoothly and incident-free for everyone.
This includes respecting facilities (keeping them clean and tidy), schedules (play where and when scheduled), fellow teams/players
(conduct in gentlemanly manner), and umpires (respect decisions and their position as match officials).
Let's not jeopardize the season and health of others.