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Cricket Canada Examinations Notice
Date: Saturday, December 11, 2021- from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Examinations at: TBD.
Link to register: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZt...
Register by link below, at least five (5) days before the date above stating the level
of examination that you wish to appear. See below the only method of registration. Persons
who fail to register may not be allowed to sit the examination.
Register to Rohan Shah at:
Candidates for the Intermediate Umpire, and Qualified Umpire certificates must
bring their own calculators for calculations and also bring D/L sheets and resource tables.
All Examinations
To increase the chance of success in the examination, candidates are very strongly advised to
study both “TomSmith’s Cricket Umpiring and scoring (latest edition) and the current ICC Standard
match Playing Conditions for limited overs Matches. (Exam Part A - will be based on MCC cricket
laws 2017 code 2 nd Edition - 2019).
Provisional Umpire examination (Level 1) Start time10:30 am
Candidates must demonstrate a reasonably good knowledge of the current MCC cricket Laws (Part
A) and the basic ICC Standard Playing Conditions (Part B) for limited overs matches. This
qualification normally expires after five seasons. The examination lasts for one hour. Pass mark
70%in Part A and 70% in part B. Candidates must pass both- part A
And part B in order to qualify. Fee: $15.
Intermediate Umpire examination (Level 2) Start time 10:30 am
Candidates must demonstrate a very good knowledge of the current MCC Laws (Part A) and the
ICC Standard Playing Conditions for limited overs matches including the manual Duckworth/Lewis
method and Bonus Point calculations (Part B). Candidates must pass both Part A and Part B. The
examination lasts for 2.5 hours. Pass mark 75%. Fee: $20.
Qualified Umpire (Level 3) Start time 10:30am
Candidates must demonstrate an excellent knowledge of the current MCC cricket Laws (Part A)
and the ICC Standard Playing Conditions for limited overs matches including the
Duckworth/Lewis/stern method and Bonus Point calculations (Part B). The examination lasts for
Three hours. Some answers to the questions require detailed explanations. Candidates must pass
both Parts A and B. Cricket Canada Qualified Umpires are capable of standing in Any cricket match
up to the national level. Pass mark 80%. This qualification requires successful on-field assessments
by Umpires appointed by Cricket Canada. Fee: $20
Rohan Shah
Umpire Trainer/Examiner-Cricket Canada
Ontario and Eastern Canada.
Note: Candidates are responsible to provide their eligibility. (i.e., certificates obtained)
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