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- Umpire Seminar 2025- Presentation 1
- Umpire Seminar 2024 Presentation 1
- Umpire Seminar 2024 Presentation 2
- Quick reference guide for Umpires
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 4
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 3
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 2
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 1
- ICC ODI Playing Conditions
- ICC T20 Playing Conditions
- ICC Playing Conditions Addendums
- BEDCL Umpires
- Umpire's Code of Conduct
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BEDCL Members,
We will be holding the annual Season Kick-off meeting on April 16, 2023 at Century Gardens Recreation Centre between 1pm and 4pm. It is an important meeting and a mandatory one for the membership to attend. Each team that is confirmed to play the 2023 season is required to be represented at this meeting (NO exceptions). There are some important changes to the BEDCL operations that we will be sharing with the membership (player registrations, transfers, intent to return timelines, fees timelines, changes to playing conditions, umpiring updates, team uniforms, team sale, name changes, etc.). We expect that the team representative(s) will take back the information and disseminate it to their respective Club administration as well as their Club membership.
Sign-in will start at 1pm and we expect to finish the sign-in by 1:30pm to start the meeting promptly after that. Teams are also expected to sign-out before they leave at the end of the meeting. Please be aware that non-attendance, or any team not signed-in at the start of the meeting AND not signed-out at the end of the meeting by the same registered player for that team/club, might result in the team being excluded from BEDCL from the 2023 season and onwards.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting to start the 2023 season.