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- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 3
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 2
- Umpire Seminar 2023 Presentation 1
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To ALL of our Returning & New Teams;
I am sharing this Memory as a reminder of how we usually address the administration & Operations of an upcoming season. Unfortunately due to the Impacts of COIVID-19 and the protocols in place to curb the rise of this infectious virus - we are unable to do so - once again.
As you are all aware of the current Provincial imposed Lockdowns & guidelines - I will like to inform you that myself & the Board are constantly monitoring the situations and will be ready to react when we receive the RETURN to OUTDOORS Sports and we have our allocations to the Facilities.
In the mean time I have had the following with:
- Two (2) Meetings with The Mayor and designated representatives to address our facilities and the continued growth & promotion of Cricket in Brampton, as well as allocations, field maintenance, previous development plans and their current status on completion, Natural Turf Pitches, Lighted facilities, the development of additional facilities, the development of additional Practise Nets and the overall infrastructure of Cricket as it continues to grow and the demand increases in our City. These have both been very promising & encouraging meeting as we continue to work together to take our sport to another level and to MAKING Brampton the Capital City for Cricket in Canada.
- Meetings with the New Commissioner of Parks and Maintenance & Recreation as well as the Manager and Supervisor - in addressing some of the same points as above as well as the maintenance & preparation of the facilities for the 2021 Season - whenever that is going to commence. The great news is - that the city has been diligently getting all fields to be in 'top playing conditions' while work on a few have been delayed but specific completion date are being targeted such that availability will be this 2021 Season.
In addition the CAA Centre - soon to be RENAMED - BSPO Park - Brampton Sports Part) will have the 4th Natural Turf facility available this season, Plans are underway to convert the FREE Space lefty on Pitch 3 into Practise Nets to compliment those already in existence at Dixie & 407.
Plans are also underway to finally IMPROVE Pitch One (1).
All plans for Gore Meadows that were previously in place and published were impacted by COVID-19 but are still intact and revised completion dates are being addressed and refocused in accommodating the adjustments that were inevitable due to COVID. These still include the Three (3) pitches, Lighted facilities, A small scale Stadium on the main pitch with possible Natural Turf Pitches available on all three.
We will continue to have these meetings to ensure that all plans are being addressed and that we focus on what is required to continue to plan for 'improved' and required standards facilities to improve the both quality of play and the development of our players skills.
In addition BEDCL will be launching the following formats that were planned for 2020 but could not be enabled:
- During the Week Youth Cricket Format
- Senior (Over 50) Cricket Format
- Women Cricket Format
We hope that this year we will be in a position to launch these formats and announce initiate the 'application' process for each.
In the meantime - please feel free to contact the Board via our Secretary - Manish Tomer - with your intentions to participate any of the above Three (3) New Formats.
In addition - any team that has NOT yet confirmed their intentions to participate in 2021 (watch the COVID Conditions) - you need to do so NOW .. or you may miss the boat (well games in this case).
Looking forward to a 2021 Season - full or Modified.
BEDCL Board & Myself.